
Professor Dr DF Zandstra

  • Professor of Intensive Care
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Amsterdam Netherlands

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Some studies suggest that it may inhibit phenytoin biotransformation (52), whereas others report no such effect (27,53). Various studies have suggested either a decrease (3) or an increase (54) in binding capacity following hemodialysis. This apparent contradiction may result from fluctuations in the free fraction of phenytoin during and after hemodialysis, leading to unexpected clinical intoxication (54). Martin and colleagues (55) reported that only 2% to 4% of intravenous phenytoin appeared in the dialysate of seven uremic patients. Phenobarbital Phenobarbital (5-ethyl-5-phenylbarbituric acid) is a weak acid with a pKa of 7. Up to 25% of the drug dose is eliminated by renal mechanisms, whereas the remainder is metabolized by the hepatic mixed-function oxidase system. The major metabolites, parahydroxyphenobarbital and N-hydroxyphenobarbital, are inactive and are excreted by the kidneys. Effects of Renal Disease Although the half-life of phenobarbital has been reported to be unchanged in uremic patients (38), some accumulation should be expected, as elimination of long-acting barbiturates depends more on renal excretion than on biotransformation. Because of this, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis remove a proportion of phenobarbital from the serum, thereby reducing serum levels. In impaired renal function, severe central nervous system and cardiovascular depression may result from barbiturate accumulation, further worsening the renal condition. Effects of Liver Disease Plasma from patients with hepatic insufficiency also has reduced binding capacity for phenytoin (28,44,45). The degree of impairment correlates with levels of serum albumin (18,58) or total bilirubin (53), or both (29,44). It has been suggested that the total number of binding sites is reduced as a result of lower albumin concentration in competition with bilirubin Effects of Liver Disease Because a significant amount is excreted unchanged by the kidneys, phenobarbital has been promoted as a useful agent in patients with liver disease. Nevertheless, some studies have found a prolonged half-life in certain hepatic illnesses.

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Three trials compared ethosuximide to valproate and found no difference in seizure freedom or the achievement of a >50% or >80% reduction in seizure frequency. Although no difference in seizure freedom was found at 12 months, valproate was much more rapidly acting with 52. Summary: Four Cochrane Reviews have assessed the efficacy and safety of valproic acid, ethosuximide and lamotrigine. Ethosuximide and valproic acid appear to be equally efficacious and each statistically more efficacious than lamotrigine in the treatment of childhood absence epilepsy with valproic acid producing a therapeutic effect more rapidly than lamotrigine. With respect to safety, valproic acid treatment was associated with more discontinuations due to adverse events, including higher rates of negative attentional measures and weight gain. A failure of ethosuximide or valproic acid therapy at ~16-20 weeks of treatment is predictive of the long-term development of generalized, tonic-clonic seizures, while an initial, 16 to 20-week positive response to ethosuximide therapy identified patients least likely to develop generalized, tonic-clonic seizures with long-term therapy. Overall, in the setting of absence epilepsy of childhood ethosuximide appears to offer the best efficacy and safety. Phenytoin vs Valproate in Generalized and Partial Epilepsy A Cochrane Review115 compared phenytoin and valproate monotherapy in the treatment of partial and generalized epilepsy (excluding myoclonus and absence seizures). Individual patient data was available for 699 patients in 5 trials and did not include the other 6 trials of 450 patients. A randomized, controlled trial compared the efficacy of intravenous valproate vs phenytoin in 100 children age 3-12 years presenting to an emergency department with acute motor focal or generalized seizures (second episode). There were no differences in the percentage of children presenting with convulsions or unconscious. The primary outcome, control of seizures for 24 hours was not different between treatment groups (p=0. Therapeutic drug levels were similarly achieved at 4 and 24 hours with valproate or phenytoin (p>0. No differences were found in cardiorespiratory parameters (heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure or oxygen saturation) within or between treatment groups (p>0. The only statistically different finding was the time for regaining consciousness in children that presented unconscious to the emergency department, for valproate 58. Summary: the evidence finds no difference between phenytoin and valproic acid in the setting of partial and generalized epilepsy (excluding myoclonus and absence seizures) in adults and children for a variety of outcome measures.

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Because valproic acid is known to sequester coenzyme A (87), such patients are suspected of having a partially compensated defect in mitochondrial -oxidation enzymes (85,88). Hyperammonemia may occur in the absence of hepatic dysfunction (90,91), possibly caused by inhibition of either nitrogen elimination or urea synthesis (92,93). In rare instances, an insufficiency of urea cycle enzymes such as ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency may be present (94). Severe changes in behavior with agitation, hallucinations, and altered thinking are thought to be dose related. Up to 40% of adults in one series treated with vigabatrin had concentrically constricted visual fields (95). Use of this drug should be restricted to those children with severe and intractable seizures related Chapter 48: Monitoring for Adverse Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs 599 to tuberous sclerosis and to patients with severely refractory seizures where risk of visual loss is outweighed by the need for treatment of seizures. Zonisamide Zonisamide is a sulfonamide that may cross-react in patients known to be allergic to sulfa-containing compounds (96). Patients with a history of renal stones should be informed of the risk of nephrolithiasis and advised to remain adequately hydrated. Children should be monitored for hyperthermia with oligohydrosis, especially during hot weather (97). Legal and/or medical advice requires expert consultation and an in-depth knowledge of your specific situation. Although every effort has been made to provide accurate information herein, laws and precedent are always changing and will vary from state to state and jurisdiction to jurisdiction. As such, the material provided herein is not comprehensive for all legal and medical developments and may contain errors or omissions. For information regarding your particular circumstances, you should contact an attorney to confirm the current laws and how they may apply to your particular situation without delay, in that any delay may result in loss of some or all of your rights. It is hoped that this review helps you understand the need for thorough knowledge and careful documentation.

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In order to minimize these problems, categories of variables have been analysed, using groupings of related symptoms. The aim of these modifications was to use existing knowledge in order to enhance data entry and make the cluster analysis as clinically meaningful as possible. It is important to appreciate that whilst these modifications may be viewed as seeding the data with preconceived relationships, they were kept to a minimum, are consistent with current views, and were applied equally to all cases in the analysis. The use of group variables reduces the number of variables entered into the statistical analysis, making patterns easier to discern and the cases were then analysed according to individual manifestations within the groups. Notwithstanding the groupings, the number of variables used, at 52, was still large. The acid test of cluster analysis is whether the clusters produced have any clinical relevance. External validation showed consistent identification of well recognized, clinically meaningful groupings. In addition, a separate analysis was undertaken, comparing manifestations associated with pure frontal and pure temporal lesions, which provided results clinically supporting the cluster analysis, by a completely independent technique. Analysis of sequential manifestations showed early divergence in all seizure groups and was of little localizing value. The analysis of individual symptoms gave only five that differentiated between frontal and temporal lobe lesions with statistical significance. These associations have been observed previously (Penfield and Jasper, 1954; Gloor et al. These seizure types were frequently accompanied by oroalimentary automatisms and the separate analysis of these automatisms suggested that they were independently associated with temporal lobe lesions. It is, however, important to note that in each clinically defined group, there was an important minority with lesions outside the temporal lobe. In most cases the initial subjective symptom was indistinguishable between frontal and temporal lobe associated cases. Our results suggest that, in these cases, analysis of the subsequent evolution of the seizure may be of value in determining localization, in that, where the onset was followed by motor activity without an intervening absence phase, a frontal lesion was more likely.

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Strong genetic evidence was provided by monozygotic twin studies demonstrating 70% concordance of absence seizures and 84% concordance of the 3 Hz spike and wave trait (24). Although subsequently confirmed (140,146), mutations were not identified in all studies (147). In recent years, knockout studies in mice have demonstrated the importance of calcium channels in the etiology of absence seizures. However, it is important to note that these mutations have only been identified in a subset of patients and are not common to different syndromes, underlying the polygenic nature of seizures. These receptors are capable of mediating the long-lasting thalamic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials that are critical to the generation of normal thalamocortical rhythms. However, in children there are conflicting reports with regards to any associations between fluctuations of cerebral glucose metabolism and absence seizures and further research is required. Epileptic Seizures: Clinical and Electroencephalographic Features, Diagnosis and Treatment. Clinical and electroencephalographic correlates of generalized spike and wave bursts occurring spontaneously in man. Simultaneous recording of absence seizures with video tape and electroencephalography. Proposal for revised clinical and electroencephalographic classification of epileptic seizures. From the Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy. The influence of blood sugar level on the wave and spike formation in petit mal epilepsy. A study of the rhythm of petit mal absences in children in relation to prevailing situations. Variations in the efficiency level in relation to paroxysmal epileptic discharges. Reflex seizures induced by calculation, card or board games, and spatial tasks: a review of 25 patients and delineation of the epileptic syndrome. Will a critical level of hyperventilation-induced hypocapnia always induce an absence seizure

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The authors concluded "our results suggest that, in patients with depression and epilepsy, immediate prescription with antidepressants may not be indicated" (43). Although each of the drugs was associated with significant reduction in depression symptoms at the 24- to 30-week assessment, mirtazapine had a higher dropout rate due to unacceptable side effects. Similar to another study using sertraline (45), no significant increase in seizure was observed (44). Nonpharmacologic treatments for depression have not received adequate systematic evaluations to draw conclusions about efficacy in persons with epilepsy. Additional research is needed to provide the necessary evidence to guide optimal care of persons with epilepsy and comorbid depression and anxiety. Identification of surgical candidates early in the course of their pharmacoresistance seems mandatory for optimal care. This complexity creates challenges for the clinician in the outpatient clinic setting, especially considering common time and resource constraints. Utilization of available reliable and valid screening tools and implementation of existing practice guidelines can support delivery of the most effective care for persons suffering the multifactorial disability of epilepsy. Conversations between community-based neurologists and patients with epilepsy: results of an observational linguistic study Epilepsy Behav. Systematic screening allows reduction of adverse antiepileptic drug effects: a randomized trial. Chapter 95: Achieving Health in Epilepsy: Strategies for Optimal Evaluation and Treatment 4. Depression but not seizure frequency predicts quality of life in treatment-resistant epilepsy. Depression in epilepsy: ignoring clinical expression of neuronal network dysfunction

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Nausea and Vomiting in Oncology Treatment Patients (Lorazepam only) Brimonidine 0. Patient self-reported trials of medication regimens and doses will not be accepted. Request for its non-formulary use requires completion of the "Donepezil Nonformulary Use Criteria Algorithm" form. For use in opiate detoxification only, non-formulary request may be submitted after opiate detox protocol initiated. Dose taper over 2 to 4 days for arriving inmates taking greater than 1 mg per day. Refer to clonidine withdrawal guidance, particularly for patients on concomitant beta blocker therapy. See Hypertensive clinical practice guidelines and 2006 National P&T Minutes, page 103. Clonidine Discontinuation Guidance Discontinuation of most any antihypertensive agent can lead to a corresponding withdrawal syndrome. However, this syndrome is most commonly seen with clonidine, beta-blockers, methyldopa, and guanabenz. The withdrawal syndrome is thought to be caused by sympathetic over activity and includes nervousness, tachycardia, headache, agitation, and nausea. In rare instances, a rapid increase in blood pressure to pre-treatment levels or above can be seen that could potentially lead to myocardial ischemia. Again, this is rare, especially when patients are not taking above the standard therapeutic doses of these agents. It also appears to occur more often when multiple medications are being withdrawn at the same time. Abrupt discontinuation of clonidine, in particular those taking greater than 1 mg daily, may result in nervousness, agitation, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, headache, sweating, palpitation, increased heart rate, tremor, hiccups, muscle pain, increased salivation, stomach pain, nausea and flushing.

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Minimal plasma protein binding makes interactions due to competition for protein-binding sites unlikely (13). The mechanism of excretion is glomerular filtration with subsequent partial tubular reabsorption. Responder rates (50% or more reduction in seizure frequency compared with baseline) of 37. A significant reduction in weekly seizure frequency compared with that of the baseline period was observed during the first 2 weeks of the titration period, indicating that the agent has a rapid clinical effect at an initial dose (19,41). Open-label community trials confirmed the results noted in the pivotal trials, with efficacy achieved in patients at a dose of only 500 mg b. The half-life in children is 4 to 8 hours, compared with approximately 7 hours in adults. Elderly In older adults, total body clearance decreased by 38%, and the half-life was 2. Seizure frequency in these children was evaluated and compared with a 4-week baseline seizure frequency, using a 6-week titration to a target dose of 40 mg/kg/day. Twelve children (52%) responded (50% seizure reduction), with two patients remaining seizure-free during the entire study period (32). A 10% oral grape-flavored solution (100 mg/mL) with an indication as an alternative formulation for adults and children with partial-onset epilepsy who have difficulty swallowing tablets is available. This will likely have utility both in the pediatric population and in patients who require feeding tubes (29). Patients were randomized to either placebo or a target dose of 3000 mg/day or 60 mg/kg/day for children. Fatigue and coordination problems occurred most frequently within the first 4 weeks of treatment. Dose reduction was associated with improvement in these behavioral problems, with only 0.

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Cronos, 27 years: Incidence and short-term prognosis of status epilepticus in adults in Bologna, Italy. The ginkgolides are thought to possess antiplatelet and antiinflammatory properties and it has been used for cerebrovascular and peripheral vascular disorders, tinnitus, asthma and to relieve the symptoms of altitude sickness. Regiospecific expression of cytochrome P-450s and microsomal epoxide hydrolase in human brain tissue.

Rozhov, 46 years: For this reason, the results do not undermine the conclusion, based on pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic considerations, that oxcarbazepine is effective as monotherapy in pediatric patients 4 years old and older. Different operational definitions will be used depending on specific purposes, and comparisons could still be made using the traditional "two-unprovokedseizure" definition of epilepsy whenever appropriate. Consensus conference on driver licensing and epilepsy: American Academy of Neurology, American Epilepsy Society, and Epilepsy Foundation of America.

Trompok, 63 years: It kept the remaining $4,772,000 in the operations account and used it to pay business expenses unrelated to the contracts. It is important to tell patients that periodic blood testing may not detect adverse events early enough to prevent serious illness or death. Effects of valproate, phenobarbital and carbamazepine on sex steroid setup in women with epilepsy.

Folleck, 22 years: Hashimoto thyroiditis often coexists with other autoimmune disorders (33), such as Hashimoto encephalopathy, a steroid-responsive relapsing condition (34) that produces seizures even in euthyroid patients (35). A significant portion of this can be attributed to factors outside of the healthcare system. In general, increased levels of seizure medications may cause general side effects.

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