
John M. Murkin, MD, FRCPC

  • Professor of Anesthesiology (Senate)
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  • Schulich School of Medicine
  • University of Western Ontario
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Patients with failed pituitary surgery might require pituitary radiation remedy, which has its personal morbidity. For stage 1, the 5-year survival was eight 1 %; for stage 2, 6 1 %; for stage three, 50%; and for stage four, 13%. However, regardless of obvious complete resection in stage 1, 2 or three tumors, visible metastases develop in about 40% of sufferers within 2 years. Patients with stage 4 disease on the time of surgery have a poorer prognosis, however debulking surgical procedure and therapy with mitotane could also be useful. Cushing sy nd rome-For sufferers with Cushing syn drome who decline surgical procedure or for whom surgical procedure has been unsuccessful, medical therapy is available. Mineralocorti coid hypertension can be treated with spironolactone, eplerenone, and dihydroperidine calcium channel block ers. Hypercortisolism-Metyrapone can also suppress hypercortisolism; required median daily doses were 1 2501 500 mg/d in divided doses. Complications Cushing syndrome, if untreated, produces serious morbid ity and even dying. The patient might undergo from the com plications of hyp ertension or diab etes mellitus. Compression frac tures of the osteoporotic backbone and aseptic necrosis of the femoral head may trigger marked incapacity. Following successful therapy for Cushing syndrome, secondary adrenal insufficiency happens and requires long-term glucocorticoid replacement. Neuropsychiatric findings in Cushing syndrome and exogenous glucocorticoid administration. Primary aldosteronism is believed to account for 8 - 1 0 % of all cases of hypertension and 20% of cases of resistant hypertension. It must be suspected with early-onset hypertension or stroke before age 50 years (or both). It could additionally be troublesome to distinguish major aldoste ronism from cases of low renin essential hypertension, with which it could overlap. Patients of all ages may be affected, however the peak incidence is between 30 years and 60 years.


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Emergency and Supportive Measu res If the agent was recently ingested, contemplate intestine decontami nation by aspiration of the liquid utilizing a nasogastric tube followed by administration of activated charcoal (see p. Providers should take care to avoid pores and skin exposure by wearing gloves and waterproof aprons. Dilute hypochlorite solution (eg, household bleach diluted 1: 10) is reported to assist break down organophosphate pesticides and nerve brokers on equipment or clothing. Specific Treatment Atropine reverses excessive muscarinic stimulation and is effec tive for treatment of salivation, bronchial hypersecretion, wheezing, stomach cramping, and sweating. It is more than likely to be clinically efficient if began very quickly after poisoning, to forestall everlasting binding of the organophosphate to cholinesterase. How ever, clinical studies have yielded conflicting results concerning the effectiveness of pralidoxime in lowering mortality. Administer 1 - 2 g intravenously as a loading dose, and begin a steady infusion (200-500 mg/h, titrated to scientific response). Pralidoxime is of questionable benefit for carbamate poi soning, as a end result of carbamates have only a transitory effect on. Observe the sufferer for 6-8 hours for signs of aspiration pneumoni this (cough, localized crackles or rhonchi, tachypnea, and infiltrates on chest radiograph). If fever occurs, give a specific antibiotic only after identification of bacterial pathogens by labora tory studies. Because of the risk of arrhythmias, use bron chodilators with caution in patients with chlorinated or fluorinated solvent intoxication. A single ingestion of more than 200 mg/kg of salicylate is prone to produce significant acute intoxication. Poisoning may also happen because of continual excessive dosing over several days. Although the half-life of salicylate is 2-3 hours after small doses, it could increase to 20 hours or more in sufferers with intoxication. Clin ical Findings Acute ingestion usually causes nausea and vomiting, occa sionally with gastritis. Moderate intoxication is character ized by hyperpnea (deep and fast breathing), tachycardia, tinnitus, and elevated anion gap metabolic acidosis.

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Measurements should be made in sufferers with either kind of diabetes mellitus at 3- to 4-month intervals. In sufferers monitoring their own blood glucose levels, HbA,c values provide a priceless examine on the accuracy of monitoring. There is a linear relationship between the HbA,c and the common glucose levels in the previous three months. In a study using a mix of intermittent seven-point capillary blood glucose profiles (preprandial, postprandial, and bedtime) and intermittent steady glucose monitoring data, the change in glucose values was 28. Substantial particular person variability exists, nevertheless, betwe n HbA1 and imply glucose concentration. For this reason, warning should be exercised in estimating common glucose ranges from measured HbA1c. The accuracy of HbA1c values could be affected by hemo globin variants or traits; the impact is dependent upon the precise hemoglobin variant or derivative and the particular assay used. In patients with excessive levels of hemoglobin F, immu noassays give falsely low values of HbA1c. Intravenous iro and erythropoietin therapy for therapy of anemia in continual kidney illness additionally falsely lower HbA1 c levels. Alternative methods corresponding to fructosamine must be con sidered for these sufferers. A reflec tance photometer or an amperometric system is then used to measure the response that takes place on the reagent strip. All are accurate, however they vary with regard to velocity, convenience, dimension of blood samples required, report ing functionality, and price. These blood glucose meters are relatively cheap, starting from $50 to $ 1 00 every. Each glucose meter additionally comes with a lancet gadget and disposable 26- to 33-gauge lancets. Most meters can store from 1 00 to 1 000 glucose values of their memories and have capabilities to obtain the values into a computer spreadsheet for evaluate by the sufferers and their health care group. Contour Next Link meter, for example, communicates with the MiniMed Medtronic pump). The accuracy of data obtained by home glucose monitoring does require schooling of the patient in sam pling and measuring procedures as properly as in properly cali brating the instruments.

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Treatment If the palmar nodule is rising quickly, injections of triam cinolone or collagenase into the nodule may be of benefit. The injection of collagenase Clostridium histolyticum is a nonoperative therapy choice that lyses collagen disrupt ing the contracted cords. Surgical options embody open fasciectomy, partial fasciectomy, or percutaneous needle aponeurotomy and are indicated in sufferers with signifi cant flexion contractures. Recurrence is feasible and there are extra opposed events compared to nonoperative deal with ments. A multicenter examine showed that collagenase injec tion and limited fasciectomy had comparable improvements with contractures at the metacarpophalangeal joints, while surgical procedure had better results for contractures involving the proximal interphalangeal j oints. Symptoms and Signs Bursitis presents with focal tenderness and swelling and is much less likely to affect range of movement of the adj acent j oint. Olecranon or prepatellar bursitis, for instance, causes an oval (or, if continual, bulbous) swelling at the tip of the elbow. When to Refer Referral may be thought-about when a quantity of digits are affected by extreme contractures, which intervene with every single day actions and result in practical limitations. Efficacy and safety of concurrent collagenase Clostridium histolyticum injections for multiple Dupuytren contractures. Tenderness, ery thema and heat, cellulitis, a report of trauma, or evi dence of a pores and skin lesion are extra common in septic bursitis but could be current in aseptic bursitis as nicely. This is particularly true for Baker cyst, whose rupture may cause calf pain and swelling that mimic thrombophlebitis. It could additionally be essential to exclude a deep venous thrombosis, which can be mimicked by a ruptured Baker cyst. Special Tests Acute swelling and redness at a bursal web site requires asp ira tion to rule out an infection especially if the patient is either febrile (temperature greater than 37. A bursal fluid white blood cell depend of greater than 1 000/mcL signifies inflammation from infection, rheuma toid arthritis, or gout.

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About 1 week after the tick chew (range, 3-30 days; median 7- 1 0 days), a flat or slightly raised pink lesion seems at the web site, which is com monly seen in areas of tight clothes such because the groin, thigh, or axilla. Multiple recurrences are widespread however are usually less severe than the unique illness. Joint fluid displays an inflammatory arthritis with a mean white blood cell rely of 25,000/mcL (0. The pathogenesis of chronic Lyme arthritis may be an immunologic phenomenon rather than persistence of infection. Rarely, the nervous system (both central and periph eral) can be involved in late Lyme illness. In the United States, a subacute encephalopathy, characterised by mem ory loss, mood modifications, and sleep disturbance, is seen. In Europ e, a extra extreme encephalomyelitis caused by B garinii is seen and presents with cognitive dysfunction, spastic paraparesis, ataxia, and bladder dysfunction. Peripheral nervous system involvement consists of intermit tent paresthesias, usually in a stocking glove distribution, or radicular ache. The cutaneous manifestation of late infection, which may happen as much as 10 years after an infection, is acrodermatitis chronicum atrophicans. It has been described mainly in Europe after an infection with B afzelii, a genospecies that commonly causes disease in Europe but not the United States. There is normally bluish-red discoloration of a distal extremity with related swelling. These lesions become atrophic and sclerotic with time and eventually resemble localized scleroderma. Cases of diffuse fasciitis with eosin ophilia, an entity that resembles scleroderma, have been not often associated with an infection with B burgdorferi. Laboratory Findings the prognosis of Lyme disease is predicated on each clinical manifestations and laboratory findings. The most typical are an ele vated sedimentation price of greater than 20 mm/h seen in 50% of cases, and mildly abnormal liver operate tests are current in 30%. The abnormal liver operate checks are tran sient and return to normal within a couple of weeks of treatment.

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In very rare instances when both insulin receptor genes are abnormal, newborns pres ent with a leprechaun-like phenotype and rarely stay through infancy. Cranial diabetes insipi dus and sensorineural deafness develop during the second decade in 60-75% of sufferers. Ureterohydronephrosis, neurogenic bladder, cerebellar ataxia, peripheral neuropa thy, and psychiatric illness develop later in many sufferers. Patients with mutation on this gene have neonatal diabetes, epiphyseal dysplasia, developmental delay, and hepatic and renal dys function (Wolcott-Rallison syndrome). Diabetes mellitus secondary to different causes-Endo crine tumors secreting progress hormone, glucocorticoids, catecholamines, glucagon, or somatostatin may cause glu cose intolerance (Table 27-3). In the first four of these situ ations, peripheral responsiveness to insulin is impaired. With excess of glucocorticoids, catecholamines, or gluca gon, increased hepatic output of glucose is a contributory factor; within the case of catecholamines, decreased insulin release is an additional think about producing carbohydrate intolerance, and with somatostatin, inhibition of insulin secretion is the maj or issue. Diabetes primarily happens in individuals with underlying defects in insulin secretion, and hyperglycemia sometimes resolves when the hormone extra is resolved. High-titer anti-insulin receptor antibodies that inhibit insulin binding trigger a scientific syndrome characterized by severe insulin resistance, glucose intolerance or diabetes mellitus, and acanthosis nigricans. Many drugs are associated with carbohydrate intolerance or frank diabetes (Table 27-3). The medica tions act by lowering insulin secretion or by growing insulin resistance or each. Cyclosporine and tacrolimus impair insulin secretion; sirolimus principally will increase insulin resistance. These agents contribute to the develop ment of new-onset diabetes after transplantation. Cortico steroids increase insulin resistance however can also have an effect on beta cell function; in a case control examine and a large population cohort research, oral corticosteroids doubled the risk for development of diabetes. These drugs cause weight gain and insulin resistance but may impair beta cell function; a rise in charges of diabetic ketoacidosis has been reported.

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Assisting public health authorities with case reporting and surveillance is essential. Camel workers including slaughterhouse and market employees, veterinarians, and racing personnel should put on facial safety and protecting clothing and practice good personal hygiene, together with frequent hand washing after touching animals. Clinical syndromes of adenovirus an infection, typically overlapping, embrace the comply with ing. Nonstreptococcal exuda tive pharyngitis is characterized by fever lasting 2 - 1 2 days and accompanied by malaise and myalgia. Lower respira tory tract an infection may occur, including bronchiolitis, advised by cough and rales, or pneumonia. Adenovirus kind 14 is increas ingly reported as a explanation for extreme and sometimes deadly pneumonia in these with chronic lung disease but can be seen in wholesome younger adults and army recruit outbreaks. Pharyngoconjunctival fever is mani fested by fever and malaise, conjunctivitis (often unilateral), delicate pharyngitis, and cervical adenitis. Epidemic kerato conjunctivitis (transmissible person-to-person, most frequently varieties 8 [and showing appreciable variation by season], 19, and 37) happens in adults and is manifested by bilateral conjunctival redness, ache, tearing, and an enlarged preau ricular lymph node (multiple varieties could also be concerned in a single outbreak). Acute hemorrhagic cystitis is a disorder of youngsters typically associated with adenovirus sort 1 1 and a couple of 1. Sexually transmitted genitourinary ulcers and urethritis may be caused by types 2, 8, and 37 specifically. Adenoviruses also trigger acute gastroenteritis (types forty and 4 1), mesenteric adenitis, acute appendicitis, and intussusception. Adenovirus is often identi fied in endomyocardial tissue of patients with myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy. Risk factors associated with severity of infection embody youth, continual underlying infections, latest transplantation, and serotypes 5 or 2 1. Hepatitis (type 5 adenovirus), pneumonia, and hemor rhagic cystitis (types 1 1 and 34) are most likely to develop in infected liver, lung, or kidney transplant recipients, respectively. Syn dromes that may develop in hematopoietic stem cell trans plant sufferers include hepatitis, pneumonia, hemorrhagic cystitis, tubulointerstitial nephritis, colitis, and encephalitis. Laboratory Findings and I maging Antigen detection assays together with direct fluorescence assay or enzyme immunoassay are fast and present sensitiv ity of 40-60% in contrast with viral tradition (considered the standard).

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Birds are the main reservoir for West Nile virus and substantial avian mortality accompanies. When to Refer Suspicion of rabies requires contact with public well being personnel to provoke appropriate passive and energetic prophy laxis and observation of suspect circumstances. Patients with suspect rabies require initiation of therapy till the disease is ruled out in suspect animals, and this requires coordination of care primarily based on likelihood of patient compliance, availability of inpatient and outpa tient amenities, and response of native public well being teams. Clinical administration and humoral immune responses to rabies post-exposure prophylaxis among three patients who received solid organs from a donor with rabies. The mosquito species related to transmission is different in the Western vs Eastern United States (Culex tarsalis vs Culex pipiens) and consequently the terrain associated with high prevalence areas differs (open grasslands vs urban areas). Only dengue and Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruses produce viremias excessive sufficient to enable continued transmission to different mosquitoes and ticks between people and vectors (mosquitoes of distinct species). Human to human transmission of the other arboviruses is often related to blood (including granulocyte) transfu sion or organ transplantation (although most contaminated donors give a history of clinically vital disease). Peri natal, transplacental, breastfeeding (rarely), laboratory, stable organ transplant, and possibly aerosol transmission of West Nile virus also can happen. Louis encephalitis and Powassan encephalitis happen amongst adults; western equine encephalitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, La Crosse and California encephalitis occur primarily among chil dren. West Nile fever and japanese equine encephalitis are diseases of both children and adults. Antibodies to arboviruses persist for all times and the presence of IgG in the absence of a rising titer of IgM could point out previous exposure rather than acute an infection. Documentation of a fourfold enhance in acute/ convalescence titers IgG or the presence of IgM antibodies is confirmatory. These tests can be found commer cially but also via native or state health departments. Cross-reactivity exists among the totally different flaviviruses, so a plaque reduction assay could also be wanted to definitively distin guish between West Nile fever and St. Louis encephalitis (with possible seroreactivity now within the United States towards dengue as well).

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Symptoms and Signs Evaluation of knee ache should start with common ques tions relating to duration and rapidity of symptom onset and the mechanism of injury or aggravating symptoms. Overuse or degenerative issues can occur with stress or compression from sports, hobbies, or occupation. A his tory of trauma, previous orthopedic issues with, or surgical procedure to , the affected knee should also be specifically queried. Symptoms of an infection (fever, current bacterial infections, threat components for sexually transmitted infections [such as gonorrhea] or different bacterial infections [such as staphylococcal infection]) should at all times be elicited. Intra-articular swelling of the knee or an effusion indi cates an inner derangement or a synovial pathology. Lateral "snapping" with flexion and extension of the knee could point out inflammation of the iliotibial band. Pain that happens when rising after extended sitting suggests an issue with monitoring of the patella. A cautious historical past coupled with a physical examination that features statement, palpation, and vary of movement testing, in addition to specific checks for specific anatomic structures is incessantly adequate to set up a diagnosis. General Considerations the knee is the biggest j oint within the physique and is vulnerable to damage from trauma, inflammation, an infection, and degen erative adjustments. Separating and cushioning these bony surfaces is the lateral and medial meniscal cartilage, which features as a shock absorber during weight bearing, protecting the articular cartilage. It is embedded in the quadriceps tendon, and it articulates with the trochlear groove of the femur. Poor patellar tracking in the trochlear groove is a typical source of knee pain particularly when the cause is atraumatic in nature. The knee is stabilized by the collateral ligaments towards varus (lateral collateral ligament) and valgus (medial collateral ligament) stresses. They may end up from both contact (valgus blow to the knee) and non-contact (jump ing, pivoting, and deceleration) actions. The affected person usu ally falls down following the injury, has acute swelling and issue with weight -bearing, and complains of instability. Prepubertal and older patients normally maintain fractures as a substitute of ligamentous injuries. After the swelling has resolved, the patient can walk with a "stiff-knee" gait or quadriceps avoidance gait due to the instability.

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It is most common within the United King dom and in areas of European migration, significantly New Zealand, Australia, the United States, South Africa, Quebec, and Brazil. Interestingly, the disease appears equally frequent among completely different races in these international locations. In the United States, Paget illness occurs in 2-3% of all individuals over age fifty five years, with its prevalence increasing with age. It is most often found incidentally during radiology imaging or due to incidentally discovered elevations in serum alkaline phosphatase. Imaging On radiographs, the initial lesions are sometimes osteolytic, with focal radiolucencies ("osteoporosis circumscripta") within the skull or advancing flame-shaped lytic lesions in lengthy bones. Bone lesions may subsequently become sclerotic and have a combined lytic and sclerotic look. Technetium pyrophosphate bone scans are helpful in delin eating activity of bone lesions even earlier than any radiologic modifications are obvious. Paget illness entails a quantity of bones (polyostotic) in 72% and only a single bone (monostotic) in 28%. The affected bones are typically concerned instantly and the disease tends to not involve additional bones during its course. It might occur in the concerned bone or in an adjoining joint, which could be involved with degenerative arthritis. Paget illness usually first impacts long bones proxi mally after which advances distally, with bone ache at the osteolytic entrance being aggravated by weight bearing. The bones can become soft, leading to bowed tibias, kyphosis, and frequent "chalkstick" fractures with slight trauma. If the skull is involved, the patient may report complications and an elevated hat dimension. Involvement of the petrous temporal bone frequently damages the cochlea and causes hearing loss (mixed sensorineural and conduc tive) and occasionally tinnitus or vertigo. Increased vascu larity over the concerned bones causes increased warmth and may trigger vascular "steal" syndromes.

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Ford, 56 years: Use of mosquito repellents, wearing long sleeves, lengthy pants, and socks, and use of air conditioned amenities and bed nets are important technique of safety. Laboratory Findings Cultures of the wound or abscess materials will almost at all times yield the organism. A sensory or motor radiculopa thy and mononeuritis multiplex occur less frequently.

Mitch, 63 years: It is world broad in distribution; most sufferers have had contact with soil, sphagnum moss, or decaying wooden. Cardiovascular dis ease danger is elevated in patients with type 1 diabetes as nicely, although the absolute risk is decrease than in sufferers with kind 2 diabetes. Excessive anticoagulation could cause hemoptysis, gross hematuria, bloody stools, hemorrhages into organs, extensive unfold bruising, and bleeding into j oint spaces.

Malir, 33 years: Gastrointestinal signs embody anorexia, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, belly pain, weight loss, constipation, and obstipation. Sulfonyl ureas are usually contraindicated in sufferers with extreme liver or kidney impairment. Obstructive voiding symptoms are most frequently due to benign prostatic hyperplasia, which happens in the identical age group.

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Total customer reviews: 260


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  • Scudds RJ, Robertson JM. Pain factors associated with physical disability in a sample of community-dwelling senior citizens. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2000;55(7):M393-9.